
How Midwifery Racially Evolved

The first in a series…

Birthing Battle | Equity in Maternal Health Care
This is the first in a series of stories about the evolution of midwifery that will appear on Flatland the next three Wednesdays.

Learn how the history of birthing care unfolded in the U.S., how midwives and mothers of color were slowly left out and the resurgence of midwifery’s link to Kansas City.

When it comes to giving birth, the longest and most laborious story may be the battle between midwives and physicians. 

Between the 1600s and mid-1900s, midwives ruled the roost. During that time, nearly half of all babies born in this country were “born into the hands of a midwife,” according to a 2003 issue of the journal published by the American College of Nurse-Midwives. 

Read more about the series…


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