
Patrick Houser

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Display name Patrick Houser

Patrick M Houser is the founder of Fathers-to-Be and is the author of Fathers-to-Be: A Road Map to the Transition to Fatherhood.  Patrick is a grandfather and father of 2 sons. It was the birth of his first son which revealed to him the need to understand birth more fully. Patrick’s second son’s arrival, in 1980, was the first documented waterbirth in the USA. This has informed his life's work and led him to nearly 25 years of passionate advocacy for birth choices. He has a degree in marketing, has owned a natural health centre and for 10 years ran his construction firm in Austin, Texas. He is the director of The Source Foundation International a UK reg. charity,  promoting health and choice from  preconception to birth and throughout life. Patrick is also a speaker, writes articles and is the author of the Fathers-To-Be Handbook, published in the UK and now available in a USA edition as well.
Watch Patrick speak on Fathers as the Foundation to Family Wellness!