
Improving Birth

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Last name Birth
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Display name Improving Birth

Improving Birth is made up of moms and the people who care for us. Our mission is to bring evidence-based care and humanity to childbirth.

Know Your Options and Evidence-Based BirthWhat is Evidence-Based Care? *

We’ve grown tremendously since its inception in Christmas 2011. We started as a local group of moms from San Diego and have expanded to thousands upon thousands of supporters, contributors, and members—not just in the United States, but around the world.

In 2012, our leadership team expanded to bring even more strategy, brains, and talent to the table, and amazing volunteers stepped up to help us reach our goals. We hosted national Rallies to Improve Birth in 2012 and 2013 that attracted almost 20,000 people standing together, talking to the public and to media, and fostering connections with local hospitals, birth centers, and care providers in 49 states. We’ve also built relationships with organizations in the U.K., Ireland, and Australia, as well as in the U.S. with our advocacy partners Human Rights in Childbirth and the Birth Rights Bar Association and consumer partner International Cesarean Awareness Network.

First and foremost, however, we are the voice of the American maternity care consumer. That voice grows more powerful every day.