The Hidden Power of Gratitude – Bread for the Journey Radio Show

Jeremy Adam Smith
The Hidden Power of Gratitude
– An Interview with Jeremy Adam Smith
Saturday, December 1 @ 9am Pacific Time
Listen Live at Voice America

Jeremy Adam Smith

In a moment of natural gratitude, with a heart full of awe, a problem I had been carrying with me disappeared. Dissolved in a moment. That got me thinking about how most of us view gratitude as a beautiful, sweet gesture, and yet don’t realized how powerful it really is.

Join me today as I interview Jeremy Adam Smith of the Greater Good Science Center. At GGSC, scientists have begun to chart a course of research aimed at understanding gratitude and the circumstances in which it flourishes or diminishes. They’re finding that people who practice gratitude consistently report a host of benefits: stronger immune systems and lower blood pressure; higher levels of positive emotions; more joy, optimism and happiness; acting with more generosity and compassion; feeling less lonely and isolated. We’ll be talking about what they’re learning and how we can create a daily gratitude practice to benefit our lives and the lives of those we love.
Join me today as I interview Jeremy Adam Smith of the Greater Good Science Center at the University of California, Berkeley.

Jeremy Adam Smith Bio
Jeremy Adam Smith is Web Editor of the Greater Good Science Center and author or coeditor of four books, including The Daddy Shift, Rad Dad, and The Compassionate Instinct. Before joining the Greater Good Science Center, he was a 2010-11 John S. Knight Journalism Fellow at Stanford University.

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